Book Cage Reading Archives

128 - The Shores of Kansas

The mind-boggling epic adventure of a time-traveler torn between two nbightmare world

Author: Robert Chilson


122 - The Hybrid

He was a hybrid - half human, half Omqu - with the strange mental power to wipe out the universe

Author: John Jakes


120 - Time Gladiator

21st century gladiators fight a duel to the death to stop war... and save the world from final destruction!

Author: Mack Reynolds


118 - Spacial Delivery

The right man in the right place *can* do the impossible!

Author: Gordon R. Dickson


115 - Time Riders

Mess around with time, and the world you know... could become a world you don't

Author: Alex Scarrow


108 - The Stalker

Somewhere in the shadows a killer waits...

Author: Nicole Davidson

Tags: The Year of Pain

104 - Stress Pattern

Stranger in the strangest land

Author: Neal Barret, Jr.

Tags: The Year of Pain